The U.S. Bankruptcy Code enables both corporations and individuals to file bankruptcy in distressed financial situations.

Our law firm mainly focuses on representing financially troubled individuals and corporations in the course of creditor workout matters and bankruptcy proceedings.

All bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts under rules outlined in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. There are different types of bankruptcies, which are usually referred to by their chapter in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

  • Individuals may file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, depending on the specifics of their situation.
  • Municipalities—cities, towns, villages, taxing districts, municipal utilities, and school districts may file under Chapter 9 to reorganize.
  • Businesses may file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 to liquidate or Chapter 11 to reorganize.
  • Chapter 12 provides debt relief to family farmers and fishermen.
  • Bankruptcy filings that involve parties from more than one country are filed under Chapter 15.

For more information on our bankruptcy services, please contact our office. Contact